The Ridgeway40 Walk

40 miles on foot in one day

Can you rise to the 40 mile challenge?

ridgeway in wiltshire

Long Distance Challenge Walks

About This Event
The Ridgeway 40 is one of many challenge walks of varying lengths held throughout the UK. These walks are, as far as possible, cross country, using public rights of way or across land which is open to the public. Walkers are expected to follow the route set by the organisers and will usually receive a certificate if they complete it within the time specified in the rules of the particular event.

Generally, long distance challenge walk organisers will provide the following:-

  • Checkpoints to monitor the progress of walkers
  • Sustenance at checkpoints, which could include water, squash and food
  • Fist Aid kit is available at the check points
  • Route map or written description to enable walkers to follow the designated route (the Ridgeway Walk map is downloadable from this web site).
  • A certificate for all entrants who complete the walk in the specified time
  • Commemorative badges are for sale (see the various types)

The Ridgeway Walk

Several of the older long distance challenge walks have their origins in the Youth Hostels Association (YHA). The Ridgeway Walk, which was first held in 1962, was organised by the Reading and District Local Group of the YHA and was a linear walk between Marlborough and the Streatley hostels.

The Marlborough hostel closed in 1966 since which the Ridgeway Walk has continued a relationship with Streatley hostel. The Walk however remains a linear event, with coaches taking the majority of entrants to the start at Avebury, the finish being in Streatley.

Amongst the original reasons for holding the walk was to create interest in the two hostels involved and their surrounding countryside. The walk continues to fulfil the original objectives in respect of Streatley hostel and the Ridgeway.

The Ridgeway west of Streatley is an ancient ‘road’. How ancient is a matter of debate: one school of thought says it is 300,000 years old which would probably make it the oldest road in Europe; another view is that has been used as a road for 6000 years.

The Ridgeway wends its way over the highest ground in the chalk downlands of Wiltshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire. It passes by tumuli, which may be 3000 or more years old; forts (earthworks) such as Barbury Castle and Liddington dating from the Iron Age (500 B.C.) or even earlier; and, near the halfway point, the Neolithic tomb known as Wayland Smithy, named after a Saxon god but over 2000 years old when the Saxons first appeared in this land.

At the halfway point of the Ridgeway Walk is the Uffington Castle hill fort and the White Horse hill figure. The age of the White Horse is not known for certain but it could be 3000 years old. It is the oldest surviving horse figure as well as being the largest of all white horses. The White Horse cannot be seen from the Ridgeway itself but its design has been adapted as the symbol of the Ridgeway Walk.

Want to give it a go?

Want to try the Ridgeway Walk? This web site has an online entry and secure payment facility via the secure SiEntries Website, access to which is available via the Entry Form page. The web site also has details of the walk and background information. If you want to find out about other challenge walks you should look at the web site of the Long Distance Walkers Association (

Event Date

Photos of 2024

Jessica Stueber and Louis Wadsworth

Jessica Stueber and Louis Wadsworth, the first two ladies to finish, Photographed at CP6

Jessica Stueber and Louis Wadsworth

Lee Plank, the fastest finisher at an amazing 6 hours and 51 minutes

Committee member Janette Armstrong with the splendid food ready at the finish


Photos of past events

Photo by Finbarr Morley


Photo by Finbarr Morley


Photo by Finbarr Morley


Photo by Finbarr Morley

Photo provided by Finbarr Morley


Ridgeway40 Finish

picnic hamper to Wendy BagshawPhil Heneghan presenting a picnic hamper to Wendy Bagshaw for her long service as a marshal on the Ridgeway 40 walk

Cutting 60th anniversary cake Cutting 60th anniversary cake. Janette Armstrong wateched by Wendy Bagshaw at CP4